Designers of Fraudulent Credit and Loan Websites, Maxmillian Rafael
Msacky (second left) and Patrick James Natala (third right) at the
Kisutu Resident Magistrate’s Court in Dar Es Salaam on Friday,
11September 2015, faced with 10 charges including producing Fake
Websites identified as “Jakaya Kikwete Foundation (State House), TCRA
Foundation, AkibaSaccos Social Company, Social Credit and Loans Company,
Ridhiwani Social Company, Hisa Tanzania, Zitto Kabwe Foundation, Vicoba
Tanzania and Wekeza Fund”.The suspects who also allegedly used fake
names to register SIM Cards denied all charges before Resident
MagistrateEmelliusMchaulo and remanded until 24th September 2015 when
the case comes up for another mention.
(Photo by Courtesy of TCRA)