Nov 21, 2015

BREAKING: Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru resigns

CS Anne Waiguru
Devolution Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru has stepped aside to pave way for investigations into corruption allegations at the National Youth Service (NYS).
Addressing the press on Saturday, Waiguru expressed her regrets over mistakes made by officials at the NYS, Huduma Centre and her ministry which she said have led to attacks on her personal values and her children.

She said the events of the last few months concerning corruption allegations at the NYS have had a devastating impact on her health and she has been advised by her doctor to take on lighter duties.
Speaking when she appeared before the Parliamentary Accounts Committee, Waiguru, however, distanced herself from the allegations stating that she is not involved in procurement at the ministry.
“Both by law and in practice, I do not procure. I do not purchase anything for the Ministry. I don’t sign or negotiate contracts,” Waiguru said.
Mangiti, in his submission, said the list that was in circulation was erroneous saying the details therein were fabricated.
Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) has been on the forefront calling for the resignation of Waiguru, with coalition principals Raila Odinga, Moses Wetangula and Kalonzo Musyoka leading the charge against her.
Raila has in several instances accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of ‘shielding’ Waiguru claiming that her name was deliberated erased from a list of officials, linked to corruption, released by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) in March this year.
A section of Jubilee MPs have in the past weeks called for the resignation of Waiguru claiming that as the head of the ministry, she should bear the ultimate responsibility for any cases of corruption at the ministry.
The legislators, led by Chuka-Igambang’ombe MP Muthomi Njuki, asked waiguru to resign while calling on President Kenyatta to sack her if she does not resign.