Nov 23, 2015

#MCM: The contrasting lives of President Obama and singer Jay-Z

#MCM: The contrasting lives of President Obama and singer Jay-Z
As it is our culture every Monday to celebrate influential men whose name is on everybody’s lips, today we celebrate two men; The President of the United States (POTUS) Barack Hussein Obama and Shawn Corey Carter popularly known by his stage name, Jay Z.
Even though their friendship is not anything out of the ordinary, the two have conversed severally.
The first, President Barack Obama, made history by becoming the first Kenyan-American President of the world’s most powerful nation, something that has seen him achieve quite a lot in his two terms that end next year.

He successfully engineered the elimination of a man who had terrorized the world for two decades, Osama Bin Laden, ended the war in Iraq by ordering the U.S. military forces out of the country in 2011 and helped South Sudan declare independence peacefully through his envoys. These are just but a few of his achievements.
He, however, is also a husband to the beautiful First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS) Michelle Obama and a father to two girls, Malia and Sasha, meaning he has to take care of his responsibilities as a family man. But just how does he handle his role as the Head of the States of the most powerful nation and still keep his family closely knit?
Vanity Fair and public schedules compiled what looks like a day in the life of Barrack Obama.
Barack Obama
  • Get up at dawn, immediately head to gym
  • Put in 45 minutes of weight and cardio
  • Scan papers over breakfast, see daughters off to school
  • Quick rundown of day with chief of staff
  • Daily intelligence briefing with Vice President and national security team at 9:30AM
  • Economic briefing
  • Discussion with congressional leadership over legislation
  • Meeting with senior advisers or international dignitary
  • Deliver remarks for labor summit
  • Meeting with Vice President and Secretary of State
  • Wrap meeting with chief of staff around 6:30PM
  • Dinner with wife and daughters
  • Catch up on calls and e-mails beginning around 8:30PM
  • Get to bed sometime around midnight
Jay Z is one of the most financially successful hip-hop artists and entrepreneurs in America.
With his wealth estimated at nearly USD520 million in 2014 by Forbes from the sale of his 100 million records, Roca Wear of the clothing line and his recording studios it is a wonder as to what he does on a day to day basis.
Not to mention the fact that he is married to a busy bee, BeyoncĂ© Knowles who was listed by Time as one of the 100 most influential people in the world and has been similarly named as one of the most powerful female musicians in 2015.
2014 MTV Video Music Awards - Show
Moreover, the couple has a daughter, Blue Ivy Carter, who Obama was sure to congratulate the couple on and went further to give Jay Z advice when he hosted them.
“They just had a new baby…I made sure that Jay-Z was helping BeyoncĂ© out and not leaving it all to mom and the mother-in-law,” Obama said.
According to The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch, this is a typical day in the rapper’s life:
  • Get up around 8AM
  • Eat breakfast, run a mile
  • Get into office, catch up on e-mails
  • Meetings
  • Listen to new music (legally)
  • Check in at studio
  • Grab dinner
  • Head to Barclays Center, watch Nets game
  • Sleep