Dec 22, 2015

Fewer Kenyans see Al Shabaab as a security threat – Ipsos

Of umbrellas under the scorching sun; everything Kenyan though PHOTO/CITIZEN DIGITAL A recent poll shows that the rate of normal crime in the country is on the rise even as the number of Kenyans who consider the Al Shabaab a security threat decreases.
In the latest results released by research firm, IPSOS Synovate, the rate of ordinary crime in the country seems to be on an increase.
Evidence by a proportion of respondents polled in the survey show a slight increase of normal crime rate from 5% to 8%.

Moreover, there was a considerable increase in the proportion of respondents who suffered more than a single criminal incident, from 31% to 43%.
Of the incidents, those that involved violence have also increased from 40-48%.
The poll also found that only about half of such crime victims report them to the police arguing that they find the response from the police unsatisfactory; either weak response or no follow-up by the police.
In terms of the support of the continued presence of the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) in Somalia, 55% of Kenyans are said to be in favour of the policy.
In regard to the perceived level of security threat by the AL-Qaeda linked Al Shabaab to Kenya, 62% consider it a very serious threat, a decline from 3 months ago when 76% of Kenyans perceived it as constituting the highest threat level.
In regional terms, the perception of Al Shabaab as “a very serious threat” is highest among residents of Eastern and Coast (72% and 69%, respectively) and (perhaps surprisingly) lowest in Nairobi at 55%, North Eastern also at 55% and Central at 54%.
2,085 Kenyans in 41 counties were polled in this recent  survey conducted between the 7th and the 19th of November 2015