Jan 14, 2016

Hell is not my portion, says President Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni President Yoweri Museveni

Uganda’s President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni on Sunday, January 10th sent members of the press into fits of laughter after he said he is working his way to heaven.
Museveni says he has sacrificed a lot on earth, and it would be wrong if he misses in the book of heaven.
“I have serious intentions of going to heaven, if you fellows (members of the press) want to go to Gehena (hell) it’s up to you. But for me, I am really bent on going to heaven!” he said.
“I can’t do so many things, and sacrifice so much on earth, and when I reach there, then they tell me to go to hell…Shyaa!”
Museveni made the remarks at a press conference in Ntungamo, over 100 miles South-West of Uganda.

Before holding campaigns at Ntungamo, the President last Thursday was in Rukungiri district – the home district of FDC’s candidate Col. Kizza Besigye.
On Wednesday, he campaigned in Kanungu, the home district of former Prime Minister and Presidential Candidate Amama Mbabazi.
Museveni was born in Ntungamo district and also studied from Kyamate Primary school before his parents relocated to other places and later to Rwakitura in Kuruhura district.
Addressing hundreds of NRM supporters at Ntungamo central market, Peace Mutuzo, a member of NRM National task Force, urged people of Ntungamo to vote President Yoweri Museveni during the General Elections.
“He is your son, he was born here, he studied from here, he has given you all good services you needed such as good roads, electricity, a municipality, water, better health services so I expect you to vote him with 100 per cent,” Mutuzo told the people.
Museveni has said he has a lot in the budget for them.
The Uganda Electoral Commission (EC) in November last year announced that the polling date for the presidential and parliamentary elections will be February 18th, 2016.