Feb 14, 2017

Gov’t declares ongoing drought a NATIONAL DISASTER

President Uhuru Kenyatta has urged members of Jubilee Party, who have expressed interest to run ...President Uhuru Kenyatta has urged members of Jubilee Party, who have expressed interest to run for elective posts in August 8, 2017 General Election to unite so that they can defeat the competition The Government has declared the current drought affecting 23 arid and semi-arid counties and pockets of other areas a national disaster.
Speaking at State House, Nairobi, after a briefing by Cabinet Secretaries involved in drought management and food security, President Uhuru Kenyatta further called on all stakeholders to support the government by up scaling drought mitigation programmes.

“Support from our partners would complement governments efforts in mitigating the effects of drought,” said the President.
The Head of State has pledged that the government would fast track and upscale its mitigation programmes to ensure the situation is properly contained.
This declaration comes a fortnight after the Kenya Red Cross Society raised a red flag over the situation and appealed to Kenyans to help it raise a billion shillings as part of its efforts to mitigate the ongoing drought.
Speaking at the Kenya Red Cross offices in Nairobi, Secretary General, Abbas Gullet, said this would enable the society move aid to Kenyans affected by drought further singling out Marsabit as the worst hit.
Red Cross’s campaign targets 340,000 families in 13 most affected counties among them Garissa, Isiolo, Mandera, Kilifi, Kwale, Tana River and Lamu with an aim of providing water, food, vouchers and cash.
According to Red Cross, over 2 million Kenyans are facing starvation.