Jan 3, 2016

Trump blames Clinton, Obama for Islamic State

Trump blames Clinton, Obama for Islamic State U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Saturday (January 2) blasted U.S. President Barack Obama and his Democratic competitor Hillary Clinton in front of a capacity crowd in Biloxi, Mississippi, blaming them for Islamic State and promising to strike down any Obama executive actions on gun control.
In the wide-ranging speech, Trump bounced briskly around campaign topics and cited positive election surveys to applause from the crowd.
Trump said Obama and Clinton were responsible for Islamic State, or ISIS.
“They’ve created ISIS. Hillary Clinton created ISIS with Obama. Created with Obama,” Trump said.
The Republican front-runner said former Secretary of State Clinton’s email scandal was worthy of prison.

“When Hillary Clinton runs – and she should be in jail by the way for what she did. No, she should be. She should be. You know it’s really sad. It’s a corrupt system. Everybody knows she should be in jail. What she did with the e-mails is a disgrace. People that did 5 percent of what she did, their lives have been destroyed. Their lives have been ruined. Their lives have been ruined,” he said.
Saying Obama planned to “knock the hell” out of the Second Amendment, Trump criticized the president’s announcement on Friday (January 1) he would meet with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch to discuss ways of reducing gun violence in the United States.
“There is an assault on the Second Amendment. You know Obama’s going to do an executive order and really knock the hell out of it you know that. No, you see it.
They’ve announced it. So it will go through the court system for years. Well it should be overturned. Like you know so many… He can’t get anybody to do what he wants them to do. You know the system’s supposed to be you get the Democrats, you get the Republicans, you get you and you make deals, right? He can’t do that. He can’t do that.
So he’s going to sign another executive order having to do with the Second Amendment, having to do with guns. I will veto that. I will unsign that so fast, so fast,” he said.
Obama, in his weekly recorded address, said he has received “too many letters from parents, and teachers, and kids, to sit around and do nothing.”
In a national rolling five-day Reuters/Ipsos survey issued on Dec. 24, Trump polled at 39.3 percent among Republicans, followed by Senator Ted Cruz at 12.8 percent, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 9.6 percent and Senator Marco Rubio at 8.5 percent.
In that survey, Bush polled at 6.1 percent, behind “wouldn’t vote” at 7.4 percent.